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Volume 65 (2010), 5


(Original title: Moc v štruktúre mocenských vzťahov)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 417-427.

There is nothing like power in itself. What we can experience is only the particular forms and effects of the power relations. Similarly, there is no single and universal definition of power. The concept of power embodies its various relations and aspects, such as power relations, the relationships between power and institutions, go- vernment, influence, authority… Read more

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(Original title: Od filozofie práva k politickej ekonómii: Marxovo myslenie v rokoch 1842 – 1844)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 428-439.

The paper offers a reconstruction of the development of Karl Marx’s thought in 1842 – 1844 proceeding from the philosophy of law and social philosophy to political economy and its critique. It puts forward a new interpretation of the categories “bürgerliche Gesellschaft“, “alienation“ and “alienated labor“. This interpretation shows that the development of Marx’s… Read more

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(Original title: Filozof a vedec so srdcom umelca (K 100. výročiu úmrtia W. Jamesa))
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 440-448.

The paper gives an overall account of the main features of the philosophy of William James which in the century following his decease has been constantly revaluated. The author focuses on his permanent presence in philosophy, psychology and humanities in the 20th century. The close correlation between James’s style of philosophizing and his personality traits is… Read more

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(Original title: Zdravý rozum vo filozofii Thomasa Reida)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 449-460.

The paper offers a discussion of the concept of common sense in T. Reid’s philosophy. Reid criticizes Hume’s skepticism, which is in conflict with common sense, as a “deadlock of philosophy”. Reid’s criticism thus might be seen as naive and “unphilosophical”, and therefore missing the point. The author argues, however, that common sense, as used by Reid, is a… Read more

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From the History of the Philosophical Thought in Slovakia

(Original title: Príspevok Vojtecha Filkorna k ontológii)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 461-470.

The paper sheds light on V. Filkorn’s contribution to ontology, labeled by the author as polymorphism or polymorphic ontology. Filkorn’s contribution is exemplified by the discussion of his category of non-temporality referring to what the author calls timelessness or perichrony. In the context of Slovak philosophy of the 20th and 21st centuries Filkorn is… Read more

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Back to the Sources

(Original title: O najvyššom dobre čiže o živote filozofa)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 471-476.
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A View Beyond the Border

(Original title: The barbarity of interpretation)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 477-484.

The barbarian of interpretation, in his barbarity, cannot be omitted from the line of ‘the new barbarians’. In the following, I will underline not only the threatening side of the barbarian of interpretation, but also the fact that the entirety of modern hermeneutics appeared in order to offer a certain protection from ‘the invasion’ of these strange barbarians… Read more

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(Original title: Úvahy o rode a vede alebo od otázky žien vo vede k otázke rodovej určenosti vedy)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 485-492.
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(Original title: Malá úvaha nad jedným pokusom o rozlíšenie medzi etikou a morálkou: Smreková, D. – Palovičová, Z.: Dvojznačnosť etických pojmov)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 493-498.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Medzinárodná konferencia Etika a politika)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 498.
(Original title: Správa zo sympózia Osvietenstvo ako spôsob myslenia)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 517-518.
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Inaugural Lectures

(Original title: Hľadanie ideálu blaženosti v antickom skepticizme)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 499-503.
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(Original title: Leško, V. – Plašienková, Z.: Kant v kontextoch Husserlovej a Heideggerovej filozofie)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 504-506.
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(Original title: Farkašová, E.: Čas na ticho)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 507-509.
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(Original title: Szapuová, M. (ed.): Situovaná veda. Podoby a kontexty tvorby poznania)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 509-512.
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(Original title: Rawls, J.: Právo národů)
Filozofia, 65 (2010), 5, 513-516.
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