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Volume 67 (2012), 2


(Original title: Kategoriálny rámec Marxovej teórie nadhodnoty (1. časť))
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 93-103.

The paper offers a reconstruction of Marx’s explanation of the origin of surplus-value in the production process. Subsequently, the analysis of the fundamental concepts or “categories” of this explanation leads to their classification embodying two pairs of “registers”. Rules which govern the rational use of these categories are derived as well. Thus Marx’s… Read more

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(Original title: Potreba istoty, či otvorenosť zmenám? (K etickej koncepcii R. Rortyho))
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 104-111.

The aim of the paper is to shed light on several aspects of the neopragmatist conception of R. Rorty, which are related to the problem of morality. The anti- dualistic position, adopted by R. Rorty, opens the way to overcoming the traditional philosophical reasoning of metaphysical normatives and principles. This is why the possibility of moral progress is not… Read more

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(Original title: Evolučná ontológia a problém dynamickej substancie v koncepcii Teilharda de Chardin)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 112-123.

The paper gives an explanation of the fundamental principles of the metaphysical philosophical-theological conception of Teilhard de Chardin. It shows its meaning on the intellectual background of that time as well as in contemporary academic debates. A special attention is paid to his understanding of the relationship between matter and spirit as well as to his… Read more

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(Original title: Analýza pojmu koroborácie v Popperovej teórii vedy)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 124-135.

The paper offers an examination of the corroboration in Popper’s theory of science where it is used to describe a theory’s being successfully tested. This, however, does not mean that the theory in question has been also justified. Its corroboration means only that it was not falsified in empirical tests as yet. This view results from Popper’s rejecting the… Read more

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Discussions - Polemics

(Original title: Goodmanova záhada vyriešená?)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 136-140.
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(Original title: Môže skeptik skutočne pochybovať o všetkom? (Odpoveď M. Taligovi))
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 141-146.
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(Original title: Poznámky ku skepticizmu alebo Čo spochybňuje, a čo nespochybňuje skeptik)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 147-159.
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(Original title: Rozdeľovanie a prerozdeľovanie ako stelesnenie odlišných princípov spravodlivosti. (Analýza z Marxovho hľadiska, zohľadňujúca súčasnú ekonomickú transformáciu v Číne))
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 160-169.

Marx never questioned distributive justice although his theoretical researches are based on his criticism of capitalism and exploitation (labor theory of value). The paper offers a comparison of the classical Marxian theory with the contemporary critical Marxian theory as well as with J. Rawls’s theory of justice with regard to applying the Marxian theory in China… Read more

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Scientific Life

(Original title: Plán prednášok SFZ pri SAV na prvý polrok 2012)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 169.
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(Original title: Hrubec, M.: Od zneuznání ke spravedlnosti. Kritická teorie globální společnosti a politiky)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 170-173.
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(Original title: Pavlincová, H.: Karel Vorovka. Cesta matematika k filosofii)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 174-176.
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(Original title: Peregrin, J.: Člověk a pravidla. Kde se berou rozum, jazyk a svoboda)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 2, 177-179.
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