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Volume 70 (2015), 7


(Original title: Peirce a Rorty: Pokus o zmierenie dvoch verzií pragmatizmu)
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 497-504.

The author questions the traditional views of pragmatism and semiotics as having originated independently one from the other; i. e. that of Peirce creating semiotics first and pragmatism following afterwards, or vice versa. For him it seems more plausible that semiotics and pragmatism were just two parts of Peirce’s early project which brought together philosophy… Read more

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(Original title: Michel Foucault: Minulosť a súčasnosť (K niektorým otázkam sociálnej kontroly))
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 505-517.

Foucault labeled modern society also “disciplinary” or “panopticon” society. Do these characteristics apply to contemporary society as well? If they do, what are the visible signs of that? Further, seen from this perspective, what are the differences (if any) between contemporary society and that described by Foucault? What techniques of power and control does… Read more

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(Original title: Matematické objekty: nálezy, alebo vynálezy?)
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 518-530.

The question whether mathematical objects are things to be discovered or rather invented belonged for a long time among the most discussed issues in philosophy of mathematics. The answers range from strictly Platonist approaches to radical constructivism and even fictionalism. The paper is an attempt to bring this philosophical question down to earth before we set… Read more

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(Original title: Je skepticizmus stále zaujímavý?)
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 531-545.

The article aims at answering two questions: 1) Is skepticism still a problem worth the attention of philosophers? 2) Is skeptical attitude true? It also sheds light on current local discussion of skepticism and offers some critical commentaries on it. Ad 1): The difference between skepticism and skeptic argument is underlined as well as the necessity to focus on… Read more

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(Original title: Abstrakcia a idealizácia vo filozofii vedy I)
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 546-559.

The paper presents a survey of classical and contemporary approaches to abstraction and idealization in the philosophy of science. This first part of the paper provides a brief explication of both terms and focuses on the contributions of Leszek Nowak and Ernan McMullin. Nowak’s notions of gradual concretization and deformation procedures are discussed, as are… Read more

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(Original title: O Sokratovom božstve)
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 560-574.
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(Original title: Suvák, V.: Kynizmus grécky a moderný I)
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 575-577.
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(Original title: Plašienková, Z. (ed.): Reflexia európskej filozofie v slovenskej filozofii 20. storočia. Tvorba Teodora Münza očami súčasníkov)
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 577-580.
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(Original title: Gluchman, V.: Idey humanizmu v dejinách etiky na Slovensku. Náčrt vývoja kresťanského humanizmu do polovice 20. storočia)
Filozofia, 70 (2015), 7, 580-583.
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