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Volume 78 (2023), 1

Original Articles

(Original title: Selected Metaethical Aspects of Philippa Foot’s Moral Philosophy)
Filozofia, 78 (2023), 1, 1 - 13.
There are two main positions in metaethical discussions. The first, cognitivist, position is that moral evaluations may be true or untrue, and the second, internalist, position is that these evaluations guide actions such that the agent is internally motivated to act based on the content of that evaluation. These two positions conflict. Cognitivism has to deal with… Read more
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(Original title: Robert Putnam: Důvěra jako fundemantální prvek občanské komunity a demokratického vládnutí)
Filozofia, 78 (2023), 1, 14 - 24.
This paper deals with Robert Putnam as a political thinker from a viewpoint of the conception of social trust as a fundamental element of civic community and democratic governance, which is based on his study: Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy from 1993. The focus is on one of the key elements of his reasoning, namely the concept of confidence… Read more
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(Original title: Hranice Anaximandrova univerza)
Filozofia, 78 (2023), 1, 25 - 39.
When trying to reconstruct the cosmology of Anaximander of Miletus, one of the challenges is the issue of whether he assumed that universe to have some concrete boundaries. In particular, it is unclear whether heaven, in addition to being identical with the area of the sky, also formed the boundary of the universe. To wit, given that Anaximander allegedly said the ‘… Read more
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(Original title: Kdy se zrodila teorie spravedlivé války v západním kulturně-civilizačním prostoru?)
Filozofia, 78 (2023), 1, 40 - 58.
The effort to periodize the birth of just war theory in the Western cultural space is characterized by a lack of consensus. An overview of academicians’ proposals to place the origins of just war theory on a timeline unveils the surprisingly vast span of the theory’s history. This paper takes an unconventional approach to the problem of defining the period of its… Read more
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(Original title: Nadčasovosť reflexií Mariana Várossa (k 100. výročiu narodenia))
Filozofia, 78 (2023), 1, 59 - 70.
The essay deals with the issue of topicality of thinking, themes and approaches of one of the leading figures of Slovak culture, who could never officially work in a philosophical institution. On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Marian Váross, the essay recounts Reflections in Solitude, which in their content and treatment transcend the time they were… Read more
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Book Reviews

(Original title: CEPKO, Jaroslav, KALAŠ Andrej, SUVÁK Vladislav: Aristippi Cyrenaei fragmenta / Zlomky Aristippa z Kyrény)
Filozofia, 78 (2023), 1, 71 - 74.
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