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Volume 34 (1979), 6


(Original title: Niektoré gnozeologické problémy v slovenskej filozofii šesť­desiatych rokov)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 6, 605-618.
The paper analyzes' some gnoseological problems that had been solved in Slovak philosophy in the period of crisis. The author points out that nearly all of them had been concerned with the theory of reflection as the substant part Of the Marxist theory of cognition. While in the 1950s the reflection of object in the subject had been interpreted mechanistically,… Read more
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(Original title: Inteligencia v sociologických interpretáciách Eugena Löbla)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 6, 619-633.
The paper criticizes the revisionist theoretical presuppositions that represent a starting point of E. Löbl's book Considerations of intellectual Work and of the Wealth of a Nation (1967). Lobl uses these presupposition's when analyzing the changing position of intelligentsia in capitalist and socialist social-class structures under the influence of the… Read more
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(Original title: Úskalia dialógu medzi komunistami a kresťanmi)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 6, 634-649.
The author of the paper analyses basic principles of the dialogue between communists and chirlstiams and confronts marxist-laninist conception of the dialogue with the conceptions off clericalism and the stream of revisionism influenced by theology.
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(Original title: Ideové a metodologické východiská výskumu dejín sloven­skej filozofie)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 6, 650-656.
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