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Volume 50 (1995), 11


(Original title: „Archaická ontológia“ v religionistickej koncepcii Mirceu Eliadeho)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 11, 585-592.

The religious man of archaic tradition conceives of the universe as Being and of the profane world as Non-Being. Therefore, he wants to live as close as possible to the centre appointed by a sacred ritual. Beyond this centre he is threatened by the shapeless and pointless nothingness, chaos, relativity and bad powers. In his wandering through the profane world the… Read more

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(Original title: Náčrt klasifikácie vedeckých revolúcií)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 11, 593-603.

The paper is the last of a series of papers ([4], [5], [6], [7]) discussing the deveplopment of science. As D. Gillies shows, there is a diversity' of scientific revolutions. But whereas after Kopernikan revolution the Aristotelian physics was fully removed from scientific training, after Einsteinian one the Newtonian physics still plays an important role. These… Read more

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(Original title: Převod Aristotelovy sylogistiky prostředky Booleovy algebry)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 11, 604-609.

Aristotel’s sylogisms (BARBARA, CESARE, CELARENT) are transitive ones. Their transitivity is to be understood either as the transitivity of inclusive groups, or as the transitivity of implication. They can as well be represented by specific symbols corresponding to his conception of logic. Aristotel’s sylogistics can also be seen as an inclusion of groups in the… Read more

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(Original title: Kreačno-evolučná interpretácia „concursus Dei“)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 11, 610-614.

The author draws upon the conception of "concursus Dei" in philosophical tradition. He makes the point, that the coactivity of man and God should be understood in its complexity embodying the external coactivity (concursus simultaneous extrinsecus) as well as the internal one (concursus coniunctus intrinsecus). It is the internal coactivity of God and man that… Read more

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