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Dialectical Integrity of Human Activities

(Original title: Dialektická celistvosť ľudských aktivít)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 393-411.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions
Publication language: Slovak
The variety of objective reality implies also the variety of forms of human activities expressing — in principle — the mutual dialectical connection and conditionality. Practice, as a uniting process of history and nature, man and society is the historical expression of the dialectics of variety of man’s active manifestation. An analysis of social practice, of its structural-active components, presupposes, however, also an analysis of concrete manifestations of forms of activity as relatively autonomous on one hand, as mutually conditioned — on the other hand. The given starting point has been achieved by an analysis of the notion of activity in various spheres and levels (activity as an animal form of reactions, activity as a purposeful process, activity as creative activity, and finally activity of human practical reason.) Naturally, by an analysis of human activity from the point of view of limited aspects we attempt at contradicting the apparent dualism between the notions of "work“, “creation“, "reason.“ On the contrary, the mentioned aspects of human activity condition each other and it is the question of historical practice under whatconditions, in a certain active process, some of the aspects mentioned "predominates“, resp. is more or less represented, preferred, resp. denied. Human deed, generally speaking, in principle is tenacious of purpose; this tenacity (as a dimension of creative iniciativě of the subject) is, however, objectivized by physical activity, etc. It follows from this that it is impossible to speak, in the sense of dualism, of work and creation separately, resp. of mental, spiritual and physical activity. One is conditioned by the other. Creation cannot be as such, it is only more or less creative work; this applies as far as an analysis of the activity of reason is concerned. It represents, however, a relative autonomy, which is the basis of any logical activity, because reason is an objectivized human deed (consciousness is a conscious being); it is in this that the principle of dialectical unity and integrity of human activities consists.
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