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Volume 25 (1970), 4

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Aktuálne hodnoty Leninovej filozofie)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 293-297.
The paper focuses on the actualization of basic starting points of Lenin’s philosophy. That is first if all principles in Marxist thinking, creative aspects of its development, a fight spirit and irreconciliability with idealistic and pseudo-Marxist trends. Further the author takes a critical standpoint against the views that renounced or doubted Lenin’s… Read more
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(Original title: Leninov filozofický odkaz)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 298-308.
AU his revolutionary endeavour was inspired with the ideas and revolutionary heritage of the founders of Marxism. He developed it further in new historical conditions. Lenin particularly emphasized the fact that Marxism is not any sectarian and petrified thought but it is a central scientific theory and method of development of the world civilization. According to… Read more
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(Original title: Leninova kritika subjektivizmu a objektivizmu)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 309-318.
Proceeding from an analysis of Lenin’s works the author points out to possible deficiencies of in the process of thinking that result in subjectivism or objectivism. Simultaneously he attempts to single out those particular aspects of Lenin's attitude towards the thought of Marx and Engels as well as that of his way of the analysis of reality that make it possible… Read more
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(Original title: Racionalita v dialektike)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 319-324.
The paper considers two types of rationality. It the rationality of pre-dialectical materialism and that of dialectical materialism. The author focuses first of all on the ontological background of the two types of rationality. The pre-dialectical type of rationality rested upon a substantive-atomistic starting point and upon mechanistic determinism. This type of… Read more
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(Original title: K dialektike poznávania a hodnotenia)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 325-336.
The relationship between knowledge and evaluation does not belong to traditional philosophical problems. It came to be the centre of attention only as late as modern axiolological problematic emerged and along with the attempt of contemporary methodology to work out conditions of scientific knowledge. The relationship between knowledge and evaluation has been solved… Read more
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(Original title: Bhagavadgítá a jej koncepcia človeka)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 337-346.
The interest in a positive answer to the problems of existence had been in ancient India always persistantly felt. This appears also in one of the most important Indian philosophicoreligious works in Bhagavadgítá. The monotheistic tendency is brought forth aiming to worship a personal God that would be an „adviser“ for a man, that would lead him in the life… Read more
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(Original title: Wilhelm Dilthey v súčasnej západonemeckej filozofii (prevzaté z Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 1/1970))
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 347-358.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Zrod a charakter Feuerbachovho materializmu (prednáška v Slovenskej filozofickej spoločnosti))
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 359-368.
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(Original title: Záznam diskusie k prednáške T. Münza)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 368-369.
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(Original title: Kapitoly z axiológie (IV))
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 370-374.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: O novej knihe sovietskeho filozofa Ilenkova)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 375-379.
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(Original title: O univerzálnosti priestoru a času)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 380-383.
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(Original title: Nová premena boha)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 383-386.
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(Original title: Má biblia predsa pravdu?)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 386-389.
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(Original title: Esej o problémoch súčasného človeka)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 389-391.
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(Original title: Logika, jazyk, poznanie)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 391-394.
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(Original title: Zborník o súčasnom kresťanstve)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 4, 395-396.
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