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Volume 47 (1992), 11


(Original title: Dokázal Kant neplatnost důkazů existence Boha?)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 641-649.
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(Original title: Bieda holizmu či individualizmu?)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 650-657.

The objective of the paper is to investigate the limitations of individualism and holism as the basic concepts of social knowledge. It deals with the dichotomy between methodological individualism and holism, as well as with their mutual substitution in the history of social knowledge. Further, the author points out how both of them transcende themselves. On his… Read more

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(Original title: Duch americkej filozofie)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 658-664.
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Short Reflections

(Original title: Praveké svastické znaky - dôkazy pôvodne dialektických svetonázorových orientácií ľudstva)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 665-671.
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(Original title: Ešte raz k otázkam identity, zmeny a vývinu pojmov)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 672-679.
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Guests of the Slovak Philosophical Association

(Original title: Vôľa k zmyslu)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 680-685.
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Elementa Philosophiae - Philosophy for Schools

(Original title: Filozofia (učebnica pre stredné školy). Úvod)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 686-693.
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(Original title: Nič nie je zameškané. Rozhovor s prof. Jánom Kockom)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 694-698.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Filozofky v Európe 1992 - budúcnosť bez diskriminácie?)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 699.
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(Original title: K problému demokracie a slobody)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 700-702.
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(Original title: Feministická teória poznania: pokus o projekt)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 702-704.
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(Original title: Félix Guattari (1930-1992))
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 11, 704.
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