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Volume 48 (1993), 12


(Original title: O Finkově odkazu překonat fenomenologický pozitivismus)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 777-785.

The paper is a contribution to revification of two Fink’s texts: The Intentional Analysis and the Problem of Speculative Thought (1952) and Phenomenology and Dialectics, first of all of the idea of the „true encounter“ of phenomenological and „speculative“ thought. The first part deals with the relation between Husserl’s signitive intention and… Read more

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(Original title: Dva smery evolučnej teórie poznania)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 786-791.

The paper aims at outlining of two different streams of the evolutionary theory of knowledge. The latter results from the interdisciplinary approach to the evolution of knowledge. Within it two main streams crystalized scientific and philosophical ones. The former (which also has its own philosophical „superestructure“, deriving from scientific research… Read more

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(Original title: Etuda o Niccolovi Machiavelli)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 792-797.

The main idea of the paper is to see Machiavelli rather as a man striving for an active role in the political life than as a sort of Renaissance visionary. Therefore, the text of The Prince could be appropriately interpreted only if its immanent tragism is understood, namely the fact, that Machiavelli was forced to present the text intended as a ground… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Duch náboženstva podľa M. Pradina)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 798-804.
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(Original title: Hegel a Sartre o sebauvedomení)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 804-807.
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(Original title: Niekoľko myšlienok o typológii kultúr)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 808-814.
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(Original title: 25 rokov svetového fenomenologického ústavu. Rozhovor s prof. A.-T. Tymienieckou)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 815-819.
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(Original title: Sputnávané myslenie I. Prevzatý rozhovor s M. Mamardašvilim)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 820-827.
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(Original title: O sproblematizovaní Russellových „Problémov filozofie“ v slovenskom preklade)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 828-835.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Diskusie o ekofilozofii)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 836-837.
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(Original title: Iniciatívy záchrany nádeje pre život)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 837-838.
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(Original title: Za hranicami jazykovedy (A. E. Szołtysek))
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 839-840.
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(Original title: O slobode myslenia (L. Šestov))
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 840-841.
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(Original title: K otázke národa a nacionalizmu (E. J. Hobsbawm))
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 12, 842-843.
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