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Volume 49 (1994), 9


(Original title: Noetické konfrontácie v slovenskej filozofii 30.-40. rokov)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 553-563.

The analysis focuses on the confrontation between the two main streams, namely that of intuitive realism (its most importanat representative was J. DieiSka, who was strongly influenced by N. O. Losski) and that of critical realism deffended by I. Hrušovský.

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(Original title: K problematice těla)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 564-574.

The problem of human body is a perpetual one and as such inherent to the problem of perpetual incarnation of spiritual contents,embodying human body as well as the body of an animal, a plant or the „body“ of an idea, i. e. a word, a sentence, a proposition, a theory, a poem or the „bodily“ character of a work of art. In the paper body is treated as „Sóma“, „Sarx… Read more

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(Original title: Náčrt genézy ekofilozofického mysleni)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 575-584.

Since the sixties the ecological problem has been approached from the philosophical standpoint. In the paper attidudes, streams and authors are presented whose impact on the development of ecophilosophy was of importance as well as their methods and objectives. Alternative resolutions of the ecological problems are discussed - attention is paid to their common… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Odkaz Osuského „Prvých slovenských dejín filozofie“)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 585-592.
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(Original title: Filozofia vniesla do sveta svetlo. Rozhovor s J.-C. Eslinom)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 593-597.
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(Original title: Fasádu zborenej stavby nepremaľuješ!)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 598-599.
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Elementa Philosophiae - Philosophy for Schools

(Original title: Ernst Cassirer: filozofia symbolických foriem)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 600-610.
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(Original title: Dmitrij Čiževskij o Ľudovítovi Štúrovi a dejinách slovenskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 611-612.
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(Original title: Pred 25 rokmi zomrel Jozef Koreň)
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 613.
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(Original title: O filozofických aspektoch auto/biografie (Liz Stanley))
Filozofia, 49 (1994), 9, 614-616.
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