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Volume 50 (1995), 2


(Original title: Filozofický základ objektívnosti etických noriem)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 67-72.

The paper is an attemp at the justification of the objectivity of basic ethical norms. The author is drawing upon the transcendental thomism axiology, especially upon J. B. Lotz, as well as upon his own philosophical conception of so called experiential-evolutionary philosophy. For him values have a special status in the system of transcendentalia. In its… Read more

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(Original title: Záhada prúdu vedomia)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 73-83.

In the paper the criticism of the Cartesian Theatre metaphor is questioned as well as its replacement by D. Dennett’s Model describing the conscious experience as embodied in the brain as a whole. The author takes Dennett’s heterophenomenological, so called „third person objective method“ of explaining consciousness as insufficient. She sees Dennett’s Model rather… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Môže byť sociálny poriadok humánny?)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 84-87.
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(Original title: Prítomnosť ako výzva politike)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 88-92.
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(Original title: Problémy s ekoetikou)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 93-101.
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(Original title: Rám a obraz: Európa uprostred svetových kultúr, medzi svetovými mocnosťami, na svetovom trhu)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 102-113.
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Elementa Philosophiae - Philosophy for Schools

(Original title: Predchodcovia klasického utilitarizmu)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 114-122.
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(Original title: Činnosť filozofického klubu v Banskej Bystrici)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 123-124.
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(Original title: Filozofia rukami (F. Novosád))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 125-127.
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(Original title: História slovenskej evanjelickej sociálnej etiky v 20. storočí (V. Gluchman))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 127-129.
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(Original title: Položené základy naciológie (Š. Polakovič))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 2, 129-130.
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