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Volume 38 (1983), 3


(Original title: Vedecký a metodologický odkaz K. Marxa)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 273-285.
In the paper the scientific revolution of the Marxian type — its consequences for logic and methodology of science — is analyzed. Also Marx’s conception of the development of the relation between science and work is examined. Marx is characterized here as a revolutionary of scientific theory and social practice.
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(Original title: Marx a idea humanizmu)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 286-292.
In the paper the author deals, first of all, with Marx’s idea of humanism, in which, conceived as the aim of communism, the life work of Marx reaches its height. In connection with problems of Man, „estrangement“ and „searching“ for a place of Man in Nature and society the idea of humanism represents the aim and consequence of Marx’s conception of… Read more
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(Original title: Človek a jeho perspektívy v diele K. Marxa)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 293-303.
Marx’s conception of Man and his social world outgrew into a new science on Man and his history, above all as the conception of new dialectical-materialist starting-points and methodological principles of examination of these problems. Here belongs the idea of historism and the stand-point of practice. It was due to them that Marx reached a qualitative turn (and a… Read more
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(Original title: Forma javu a prevrátené vedomie)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 304-319.
In the paper the process of the rise of the phenomenal form of objects, their quantitative departure from substance, the rise of the reverted (irational and imaginary] forms, reflected in the reverted consciousness and the character of appearance, illusion and fetishism are analyzed.
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(Original title: K. Marx a teória dejín filozofie)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 320-333.
The important anniversary of Marx’s death occasioned the author of the paper to give thought to some methodological problems of the history of philosophy with special accent on their rise, functioning and their importance in the works of the founder of Marxism. The wide spectrum of methodological, historical-philosophical reflexions that can be deduced from the basic… Read more
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(Original title: K problému podstaty človeka v diele K. Marxa)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 334-346.
The core of the paper is a critical attitude towards the tendency to overestimate the social determination of human substances as it often occurs in connection with the one-sided interpretation of Marx’s Sixth Thesis on Feuerbach. When examining the whole context in which it was used by Marx the author concludes that Marx did not assign it the status of a… Read more
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Papers - Philosophy and Culture

(Original title: Marxov teoretický odkaz a filozofia kultúry)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 347-353.
Marx’s view of cultural phenomena was always inseparably connected with their evaluation as social phenomena. In all works of Marx there was implicitly included a magnificent search for cultural significance of the phenomena in all spheres of human material activity. It follows from Marx’s views that, in order to understand one of the basic needs of Man — the need to… Read more
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(Original title: Axiologický aspekt kultúry)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 354-362.
In the paper the author deals with the relation of culture and value and the relation of culture and civilization. In the historical succession she examines philosophical evaluation of culture and cultivating process, starting from the admiring presentation of human work creating culture, with the sophists and the tragedians, especially with Aeschylus and Sophocles.… Read more
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(Original title: Polstoročie od prvého vydania Marxovho a Engelsovho diela „Nemecká ideológia“)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 363-371.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Pracovná konferencia katedier filozofie straníckych vysokých škôl)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 372-373.
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(Original title: Materializmus proti fideizmu)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 374-376.
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(Original title: Marxisticky o etike)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 376-379.
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(Original title: K problémom ľudskej činnosti)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 379-382.
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(Original title: Monografia k problémom morálnej voľby)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 382-385.
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(Original title: Riadenie ľudskej činnosti a jeho sociálno-etické aspekty)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 3, 385-389.
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