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Volume 61 (2006), 1


(Original title: Slavische Rundschau, Prag, 1938: Edmund Husserl)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1
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(Original title: Na úvod)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 2-3.
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(Original title: „…Die Zeit ist noch nicht.“ (Perichrónia, tzv. neskorý Heidegger a otázky terminológie))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 4-15.

The still growing distance from the classics of the 20th century philosophy (Wittgenstein, Heidegger) enables us to approach their universe of meanings with humbleness, and be still more aware of the problematic and risky character of our speaking of their legacy. This is, however, not a ground not so speak about them at all; on the contrary, it is a challenge to… Read more

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(Original title: Nový pohľad Edmunda Husserla na Ideen I)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 16-29.

The objective of the article is a comparison of three texts by Edmund Husserl: Ideen I, its revision in Hua XXXIV and Epilogue of Ideen III. There are internal (thematic) and external (resulting from authorś motivation) connections between these three texts which – also as a justification of this comparison – will be examined in this… Read more

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(Original title: Paul Ricœur (1913 – 2005))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 30-45.

The paper gives an overview of the life and work of a world-known French philosopher, written on the occasion of his recent death. Ricœur was a follower of the traditions of existentialism and personalism. Later he accepted the phenomenological method which he applied first on the acts of will and later also on the acts of apprehension and speech. This leads… Read more

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(Original title: Zasnenosť ako forma vizuality (Bachelard a šťastná melanchólia))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 46-52.
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(Original title: Text ako nekropola (Krátka esej o fenomenológii písania))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 53-54.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: The Worl Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning: Scholarly Programs 2005-2006)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 55.
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(Original title: Husserlova Lovaň včera a dnes)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 56-62.
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(Original title: Čistá fenomenológia, jej metóda a oblasť výskumu (Inauguračná prednáška na univerzite vo Freiburgu im Breisgau 3. mája 1917))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 63-72.
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(Original title: Fenomenológia v Poľsku (C. Głombik); (C. Głombik, – A. J. Noras))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 73-76.
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(Original title: K počiatkom Lévinasovho myslenia (E. Lévinas))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 76-79.
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(Original title: Bude to stačiť? (T. de Boer))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 80-84.
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(Original title: Uvažovanie o priestore (M. Ajvaz – I. Havel – M. Mitášová (eds.)))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 1, 84-86.
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