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Volume 66 (2011), 10


(Original title: K Rortyho miestu v dejinách západnej filozofie)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 957-962.
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(Original title: Reading Rorty Politically)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 963-970.

My aim in these remarks is to sketch a way of approaching the thought of Richard Rorty that I will call reading Rorty politically. I argue that reading Rorty politically is not only the most fruitful way to read Rorty, it is necessary to understand the full force of his challenge to philosophy. After sketching Rorty’s important early metaphilosophical work, I… Read more

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(Original title: R. Rorty - filozofia pro futuro?)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 971-980.

The paper deal with possible future images of philosophy as a specific theoretical discipline. Being inspired by the philosophy of R. Rorty and his discussion of the philosophies of the past (especially those of Wittgenstein, Dewey and Heidegger), it tries to answer the question: What could philosophy be today?

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(Original title: Rorty a pragmatické pojetí problému veřejné versus soukromé)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 981-991.

The paper focuses on the disproportion the author sees in Rorty’s work. While the author appreciates highly Rorty’s antirepresentationalism, he criticizes Rorty’s social and political philosophy, which, an his opinion, is rooted in early modern philosophy. The latter, he argues, emphasizes the dichotomy between subject and object – an approach characteristic for… Read more

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(Original title: Novokantovstvo a teória hodnôt v maďarskej filozofii na prelome 19. a 20. storočia)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 994-1002.

The paper deals with neo-Kantianism and the value theory in Hungarian philosophy on the threshold of the 20th century. It shows how neo-Kantianism contributed to the Hungarian philosophy’s being professionalized as well as the transformations of neo-Kantianism in the works of its leading representatives. It also offers a detailed analysis of the value theory of K… Read more

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(Original title: Pál Makó ako predstaviteľ nových ideí v matematike a v logike (K výročiu Trnavskej univerzity))
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1003-1012.

Pál Makó was a prominent 18th century Hungarian mathematician and physicist. The paper shows the cultural-historical background of his work as well as the scientific-historical precedents of his life-work. The influence of the milieu of the University of Nagyszombat on his thinking is taken into account as well. Further, the paper sheds light on Makó´s… Read more

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(Original title: Historicistická koncepcia slovanstva v politickom myslení S. H. Vajanského)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1013-1023.

Medzi základné myšlienky, ktoré formovali povedomie slovenskej národnej individuálnosti patrí aj idea Slovanstva. V jej kontexte Vajanský propagoval historicistický koncept vývinu Slovanstva pod Ruskou dominanciou, ktorý mal predstavovať novú civilizačnú etapu v spredmetňovaní ideálu ľudskosti. Táto predstava S. Hurbana Vajanského o význame a povahe Slovanstva… Read more

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(Original title: Losského systém „organického konkrétneho ideál-realizmu“)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1024-1030.
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(Original title: Poznámky k problematike environmentalizmu v slovenskej filozofii)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1031-1038.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Víťazi celoštátneho kola ŠVOK)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1038.
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(Original title: Správa z workshopu Život a dielo Edmunda Husserla v stredoeurópskom kontexte)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1045-1046.
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(Original title: Oznamy redakcie)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1046.
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(Original title: Kalnická, Z.: Filozofie a feminizmus)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1039-1041.
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(Original title: Jonášová, G.: Násilie a nenásilie v reflexii slovenských tolstojovcov)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 10, 1042-1044.
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