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Volume 67 (2012), 10


(Original title: Marxistická filozofia v Maďarsku po roku 1945)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 785-804.

The paper offers a description of the transformations of Marxist philosophy in Hungary after 1945 seen from a historical perspective as well as in the works of their well-known representatives. Among the philosophers included are: Gy. Lukács, the representatives of so called “Budapest school” (Á. Heller, F. Fehér, M. Vajda), F. Tökei with his “marxology”, and É.… Read more

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(Original title: Politickosť v iných javových podobách. Hannah Arendt)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 805-818.

Hannah Arendt’s project of analyzing the political in the era of the end of the political is discussed on two levels: first, as Arendt’s understanding the political “from the hermeneutical point of view”, i.e. as related to human “being-in-the world” (Human Condition); second, as her understanding it “from the performative point of view”, i.e. as a public… Read more

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(Original title: Art and Philosophy in Adorno: Their Difference and Inseparability)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 819-831.

Like the aesthetics of Hegel and Heidegger Adorno’s aesthetics also affirms the philosophical relevance of art. But the peculiarity of the Adornian comprehension of aesthetics is in his defending the separation art and philosophy and at the same times their permanent relationship. They are different but inseparable. Art is relevant to philosophical reflection,… Read more

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(Original title: Oligarchická manipulácia svetového (ne)poriadku – 2. časť)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 832-840.
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(Original title: Predpoklady a východiská pôsobenia intuitívneho realizmu na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 841-847.
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Discussions - Polemics

(Original title: Preklad odborného textu ako vedecká práca)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 848-851.
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(Original title: Pichler, T.: Etnos a polis. Zo slovenského a uhorského politického myslenia)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 852-854.
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(Original title: Novosád, F.: Útržky o Slovensku. Apolitické úvahy o súčasnosti)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 854-857.
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(Original title: Heider, D.: Suárez a jeho metafyzika. Od pojmu jsoucna přes transcendentální jednotu k druhům transcendentální jednoty)
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 857-859.
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Scientific Events

(Original title: Správa z konferencie Filozofické reakcie na Francúzsku revolúciu (1789))
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 860-861.
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(Original title: Klasická taoistická teória bytia ako zaujímavá inšpirácia pre súčasnosť (správa z troch vedeckých podujatí))
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 861-863.
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(Original title: Správa z konferencie SFZ Ľudská prirodzenosť: rozum, vôľa, cit (k 300. výročiu narodenia J.-J. Rousseaua))
Filozofia, 67 (2012), 10, 863-865.
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