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Volume 79 (2024), 1


(Original title: A Time for Reflection)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 1 - 4.
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Original Articles

(Original title: A Genealogy Of Work: Review Essay On Raymond Geuss’ Über Die Arbeit. Ein Essay)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 5 - 17.
The article is a critical discussion of Raymond Guess’ A Philosopher Looks at Work, which has now been made available in a German translation by Martin Bauer under the title Über die Arbeit. Ein Essay. The book treats the neglected topic of the significance of work in our societies, presenting philosophical analysis alongside personal experiences. The article… Read more
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(Original title: Úvod: K významu skúmania dejín slovenského filozofického a politického myslenia)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 18 - 21.
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Original Articles - The History of Slovak Philosophy and Political Thinking

(Original title: Metodologický prístup Várossovej k výskumu dejín filozofického myslenia)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 22 - 38.
This article examines methodological aspects of researching the history of Slovak philosophy, especially during the Marxist-Leninist era, focusing on the work of Elena Várossová. It discusses the challenges and debates triggered by Marxist-Leninist philosophy in Slovakia, including Várossová’s rejection of some methodological principles and the resulting extensive… Read more
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(Original title: Teória poznania v myslení Ľudovíta Štúra)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 39 - 53.
The primary purpose of the study is to approach Štúr’s method of reflection on the category of truth and its cognition. Despite the fact that he did not write any comprehensive philosophical treatise devoted to this philosophical issue, Štúr’s various articles and lectures offer the possibility of reconstructing his position on the given question. The research of… Read more
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(Original title: Koncepcia kultúry v Lajčiakovom a Hanusovom myslení)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 54 - 66.
The study approaches the philosophical concepts of national culture of Ján Lajčiak and Ladislav Hanus. Both authors were among the original thinkers who dealt with the problem of the philosophy of culture in Slovakia in the first half of the 20th century. Emphasis is placed on the role of philosophical reflection, in which Lajčiak and Hanus replace the issue of the… Read more
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(Original title: Reflexia slobody v myslení Miroslava Kusého a Milana Hamadu)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 67 - 80.
The study examines reflections on freedom in the thinking of two important representatives of the democratizing changes in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. Both Miroslav Kusý and Milan Hamada were among the original thinkers who dealt with the issue of the institutional and power determination of man and his freedom. Despite their different philosophical perspectives,… Read more
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(Original title: Kritický teológ a filozof Karol Nandrásky)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 81 - 89.
The article presents the religious-philosophical thinking of Karol Nandrásky, who was an important representative of Slovak Lutheran theology. His thought was originally based on Old Testament theology, but later he devoted himself to religious philosophy. He drew primarily on the ideas and legacy of Friedrich Nietzsche, but also on the philosophy of existentialism… Read more
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Review Studies

(Original title: K reflexii myslenia Františka Novosáda)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 90 - 106.
This text is a review study of the edited collective monograph Človek v štruktúrach spoločnosti a kultúry: Inšpirácie myslením Františka Novosáda, which is dedicated to the thinking of the Slovak philosopher and historian of the philosophy of history František Novosád. The author of the text from his philosophical perspective and in the context of Novosád’s… Read more
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Book Reviews

(Original title: Tomáš Jahelka – Roman Jančiga – Pavol Krištof: Kapitoly z dejín slovenského politického myslenia II.)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 1, 107 - 110.
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