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Volume 52 (1997), 4


(Original title: "Dejinný svet" filozofie 18. storočia)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 209-216.

The paper discusses an important topic of the 18th century philosophy - the so called "conquest of the world of history". It offers a critical analysis of the views attributing non-historicity and antihistoricism to this period and its philosophy. The authors' argumentation based on historical and philosophical materials as well as on Cassirer's conception is,… Read more

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(Original title: K Schillerovmu pojmu prírody)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 217-223.

The paper focuses on Schiller's articulation of the notion of nature inspired by his attempts to reconsider Kant's understanding of human product. Schiller himself paid attention especially to the imitation of a natural object - it is the identification of the former that makes the registration of the historical change of the subject possible. The concept of… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: How are you, Robinson?)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 224-233.
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(Original title: Jan Patočka a studenti pražské filosofické fakulty v údobí 1945-1949)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 234-241.
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(Original title: 0 vzťahu filozofie a psychoanalýzy)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 242-245.
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Elementa Philosophiae - Philosophy for Schools

(Original title: Prínos filozofie dejín francúzskeho osvietenstva)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 246-252.
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(Original title: O estetických a umeleckých hodnotách umenia)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 253-259.
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(Original title: Intersubjektívna kauzalita)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 260-267.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: O kontinuitu a modemu)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 268-269.
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(Original title: Správa o činnosti Slovenského filozofického združenia za rok 1996)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 270-271.
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(Original title: O porozumení (J. Hroch))
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 272-274.
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(Original title: Monografia o rozume a racionalite (K. O. Apel - M. Kettner))
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 275-277.
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(Original title: Výberový vzdelávací spolok - oznam)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 4, 278.
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