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Volume 68 (2013), 6


(Original title: Problém individuácie v súčasnej analytickej ontológii a podľa Dunsa Scota)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), 6, 457-469.

The article’s focus is on the analogies and differences between the approaches to individuation in contemporary analytical philosophy and in Duns Scotus. Attention is paid especially to the comparison of the theory of naked substrates with Scotus’ conceiving the individual difference (haecceitas). It is argued, that if the naked substrate is conceived as an… Read more

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(Original title: K niektorým problémom mentálneho jazyka u Ockhama a Fodora)
FILOZOFIA, 68 (2013), 6, 470-480.

The aim of this article is to compare two different cognitive theses and very similar views on the function of mind: on one side the thesis of the medieval doctor invinci- bilis W. Ockham, concerning the crucial architecture of intellect, and on the other side the psycho-semantics of mind as presented by J. Fodor. These authors deal with different contexts, themes… Read more

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(Original title: Abelardova filozofická reflexia náboženského dialógu)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), 6, 481-492.

The paper offers an analysis of Abelard’s writing Collationes sive Dialogus inter philosophum, iudaeum et christianum with special attention paid to inter-religious dialogue. During a fictitious conversation in which a Christian, a Jew and a philosopher take part four main topics are addressed: ethics, hermeneutics, the relationship between reason and belief and… Read more

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(Original title: Trpezlivosť ako cnosť tolerovania podľa Tomáša Akvinského)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), 6, 493-501.

The problem of tolerance in Thomas Aquinas is approached in the article as rooted in the virtue of patience. Patience (patientia) as conceived in Christiany is related to hope and preceded by belief. According to Aquinas, this interconnection of patience and hope enables humans conducted by loving their neighbors to tolerate, in certain situations, the evils… Read more

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