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Guidelines for Authors

1. Rights and obligations of authors

The rights and obligations of authors are stated in the Code of Ethics.

2. Language, format and length of manuscripts

Filozofia publishes papers in Slovak, Czech and English. Submissions in English written by non-native speakers should have their articles read and corrected by an educated native English speaker before submission. Poor language is sufficient grounds for the rejection of a submission.

The editorial board of Filozofia does not offer proofreading for articles. This is the responsibility of the authors.

Detailed guidelines for editing manuscripts can be found in this document.

All contributions must be in a format compatible with MS Word, written in Times New Roman with a 1.5 line spacing. If the authors are concerned that the text of the manuscript may display on another device differently than intended, they may send to the editors of the journal Filozofia also a PDF version of the article with the same content as the MS Word document (both documents need to be attached).

Filozofia does not accept contributions that do not follow the word count guideline:

  • Research articles: 28,000 – 36,000 characters including spaces
  • Review studies: 18,000 – 27,000 characters including spaces
  • Reflections: 18,000 – 21,600 characters including spaces
  • Discussions – Polemics: 18,000 – 27,000 characters including spaces
  • Interviews: 12,000 - 18,000 characters including spaces
  • Book reviews: 7,200 – 9,000 characters including spaces
  • Miscellaneous (Scientific events, Critical notes, …): up to 7,000 characters including spaces.

Everything, including the abstract, keywords, and bibliography, counts towards the overall length.

3. Preparing a manuscript for submission to Filozofia

A title page should be submitted as a separate file.

The title page contains the title of the submitted article, a brief summary (abstract) in the range of no more than 150 words, information about the author (name, surname, affiliation, grant support, ORCID, email address, telephone).

Submitted papers must be prepared for anonymous peer-review. An anonymous submission should not contain any information that could lead to the identification of the authors. The authors of the manuscript can refer to their previous works and, in that case, they should use the word author instead of their names, followed by three dots.

4. Consent to public license

By submitting their manuscript to Filozofia authors agree that their work will be licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0. Authors give their permission to the editors and publishers of Filozofia to publish their articles in the journal. Authors also give permission to the journal Filozofia to be acknowledged as the original venue of publication.

5. Submitting your manuscript

To submit your manuscript, register and log in to the editorial system of the journal Filozofia. You can register here.

If, for some reason, you are unable to submit the paper to the editorial system, you can send your contribution in an electronic format to the addres

Unsolicited manuscripts are not returned.