Volume 21 (1966), 1
Papers and Discussions
(Original title: Filozofia vedy)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 6-21.Abstract
The paper is dedicated to the problem of the relationship of the so-called philosophy of science and the philosophy of man, both with respect to present-time western (Anglo-American) and to Marxian philosophy. The author polemizes with some views at present-time philosophy of science, and demonstrates that it is not „scientistic“ in the sense of earlier positivism,… Read more
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(Original title: Ku skúmaniu všeobecnej problematiky systémov)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 22-34.Abstract
The paper is an endeavour to set up an intuitive outline of a concept of the comprehension of a system which would fulfil the requirements of universality, a concept which could serve as a methodological basis for the research of the system, and which simultaneously would adequately integrate the system into other types of wholes. In his explanation, the author… Read more
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(Original title: Rudolf Carnap)
Filozofia, 22 (1966), 1, 35-45.Abstract
75 years ago was born Rudolf Carnap, one of the most eminent represantants of presentlime philosophical scientism. He stimulated and with numerous discoveries enriched the theory and methodology of modern exact science. Already in his twenties, Carnap's interest was focussed at the analysis of scientific language and scientific methods, simultaneously dedicating his… Read more
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(Original title: Kybernetika a teória poznania)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 46-58.Abstract
The main point in the cybernetical research of phenomena lies in the study of the compound (complex) dynamic systems from the viewpoint of the category of reflection. From the similarity of the methodological concept of cybernetics and dialectic materialism flows the close relationship of the basical concepts and categories of both-these sciences. The process of… Read more
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(Original title: Poznámky k problému kultu osobnosti)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 59-71.Abstract
The essence and principal signifiance oí the problem of Stalin’s cult of personality requires a complex, many-sided approach from the viewpoint of several sciences; it also requires a thorough analysis of the conditions, reasons, motives, mechanisms and consequences of this phenomenon. The treatises carried out up to the present — in spite of their endeavour to… Read more
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From Scientific Life
(Original title: Stretnutie juhoslovanských a československých filozofov)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 78-81.File to download: PDF
(Original title: K dvom poňatiam dialektiky socializmu)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 82-88.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Niekoľko poznámok k problematike odcudzenia)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 89-93.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Človek ako rozhodovací prvok v spoločenskom systéme)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 94-99.File to download: PDF
Reviews, Notes, Information
(Original title: Hrušovského Problémy, portréty, retrospektívy)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 118-121.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Nad prvou učebnicou vedeckého komunizmu)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 121-125.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Akademik Andrej Sirácky 65 ročný)
Filozofia, 21 (1966), 1, 127.File to download: PDF