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Ontologický problém sveta vo filozofii Edmunda Husserl

Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 81-90.
Typ článku: State

Already in the first half of this century Edmund Husserl outlined the crisis of the European humankind related to the crisis of sciences. Due to the mathematization of nature the link with the original basis, i. e. the natural world, broke down. The result was the split into the objective world of mathematic entities on one hand and the natural world of our life, in which we act and which we are able to comprehend, on the other hand. Husserl tried to discern the natural prescientific world - he argues that the science is the result of its idealization and objectivation. In Husserl's view the objective world is common to all. It is an intersubjective world, a result of the intentional acts of the intersubjectivity. Through its idealization the reconstructed scinetific world arises.

Husserl's solution of the crisis of sciences and of the European humankind was based on his conviction, that the natural world of our life, although determined by the intersubjective communication and agreement, is meaningful!. No construction will give the European humankind a chance to survive, it has to endure the tension of an intutitive insight. Thus the crisis and the apparent menainglessness should not be seen as an absolute loss of the meanaing of the world; they rather make the reconsideration of the essential questions possible.

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