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Prístupy k dejinnosti vo fenomenológii: československá skúsenosť
Typ článku: State
In the paper I examine selected local phenomena related to the history of phenomenology in Central-Eastern Europe and especially in the former Czechoslovakia during the communist period. I use these to show that a specific mode of thinking developed here as a distinctive phenomenological practice. I provide examples from the fields of art history, theory of art, sociology, and art production from the Slovak environment, which represented places of synergy with phenomenology, and its latent presence can be traced in them. With this contribution, I want to take part in the debate on the form of phenomenological historiography, which, under the influence of the research on Central-Eastern phenomenology, has brought about a thematic and methodological expansion of phenomenological historiography. This pertains to specific local phenomena (here I use the concept of marginocentricity) as well as reflections on the relevance of phenomenology for the philosophy of history.
Kľúčové slová
history of phenomenology, Czechoslovakia, historicization, phenomenological practice, marginocentric phenomena, Bratislava, Central-Eastern European context
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