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Volume 21 (1966), 6

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Filozofia, 21 (1966), 6, 565-577.
On the occasion of the centenary of the death of Karol Kuzmány, an outstanding national and public personality, poet and thinker in the Slovak national revival, the author presents an analytical insinght into his philosophico-aesthetical views. In the introductory section she follows Kuzmány’s philosophical attitudes, pointing to the affinity with philosophical… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 21 (1966), 6, 578-590.
Leibniz's methaphysics, appearing at first sight markedly bizarre in their whole, are closely bound to his pregnant physical (and mathematical) ideas. Although his physics, thanks to his metaphysics, remain mechanistic, yet it is a considerably altered type of mechanicism, penetrated by thoughts which sap if from inside. This shift is induced, before all else, by… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 21 (1966), 6, 591-603.
This study is a continuation of the article [C] (see references), and consists of two parts: m the first, the author acquaints the. reader with Ajdukiewicz’s classification of the processes of reasoning (see [KR]), the second contains some critical remarks about Ajdukiewicz’s charakteristics of certain types of reasoning and about classification itself. In… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 21 (1966), 6, 604-617.
Studies carried out so far on this topic take as their starting point the conceptional and intelectual apparatus of Marxism in its Stalinist variant, stressing the one-sided revolutionary, dichotomic and a priori view in contrast to the multidimensional, functional and structural Marx’s analysis and his other analytical aspects (economic, sociological and… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 21 (1966), 6, 618-626.
Political science in this country needs to create conditions for its development. The peculiarities of politics render this process more difficult. Political science has many commen areas with other social sciences, yet, it cannot be identified with any of them. It is passing through a period of its own inner consolidation. The nearness of the object of political… Čítať ďalej
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