Aktuálne číslo
Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 4 - 19.
The following text was presented to the 1995 conference of the International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children and appears here for the first time in a Slovak translation. Unfortunately, the challenges of coping with global change that it discusses have still not been addressed. Some of the facts have changed—for example, China’s per capita greenhouse… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 20 - 34.
In recent years, several realist interpretations of historical work have been presented within the philosophy of history. In this paper, I briefly examine three of them, namely I discuss the views of T. E. Førland, B. Mitrović and A. Timmins. I critically analyze their claims and try to identify what unites them. I focus mainly on the concept of fact and, in general… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 35 - 48.
This paper explores Aristotle’s claim that, while we should be ready to assist our friends in their misfortunes, we should not share our pain with them and instead share only good things. I analyze the role this idea plays within Aristotle’s overall theory of friendship, particularly his argument that sharing pain with friends brings us pleasure but causes them pain… Čítať ďalej
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Úvod: Philosophy, Politics and Religion: Continuities and Ruptures with Hegelianism
State: Philosophy, Politics and Religion: Continuities and Ruptures with Hegelianism
Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 52 - 66.
Karl Rosenkranz (1805 – 1879) was a towering figure of German university life from the 1830s to the 1870s, but he is now mainly remembered for his Aesthetics of Ugliness (1853, English translation 2015). The present paper concentrates on Rosenkranz’s theological (II) and political (III) thought, preceded by an examination of his relation to Hegel (I). The link… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 67 - 80.
The relationship between Kierkegaard and Stirner has been little studied. Although they didn’t directly influence each other, they shared a similar cultural milieu, and both rejected the Hegelian and post-Hegelian solutions to the crisis of modernity. They argued that concepts such as spirit, humanity, or society alienate the concrete existence of human beings.… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 81 - 94.
The article takes as a starting point Sergio Givone’s assertion that the aesthete is a religious man who has failed. Following this hypothesis, we see that, faced with the experience of boredom as the fundamental mood of the work, the aesthetic conception of existence leads to a practical method of discipline and detachment from the world similar to that of ascetic… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 95 - 105.
In the philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach (1804 – 1872) religion occupies a central place, for it is on the religious plane, and by means of the genetic-critical method, that Feuerbach realizes the anthropological reduction of God, while postulating praxis by situating the community spatiotemporally, thus giving rise to the constitution of the state. The aim of this… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 106 - 120.
This paper investigates the polemics between Hegel scholar Robert Pippin and representatives of the “Ljubljana School,” Slavoj Žižek and Adrian Johnston. Our issue is not to reduce the matter to a political quarrel or decide on the “accuracy” of their Hegel interpretation, as existing literature has done. Rather, we focus on the debate’s developments through the lens… Čítať ďalej
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Recenzné štúdie
Filozofia, roč. 80 (2025), č. 1, 121 - 132.
The year 2023 marked the centenary of the first publication of Buber’s philosophical-poetic classic I and Thou, in which he introduced the foundations of his philosophy of dialogue. To mark the occasion, Peter Šajda has produced the first Slovak translation of the book, which appeared at the end of last year. In the first part of the review study, I give a brief… Čítať ďalej
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