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Protirečenie vzniku a vývoja analytickej filozofie

Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 320-326.
Typ článku: State - Protirečenie ako kategória dejín filozofie
The aim of this contribution is to investigate the inner and outer relations of the rise and development of analytical philosophy. This philosophy is a result of the contradictory development of idealistic philosophy that was primarily raised by social antagonisms. The orientation towards language results from the contradiction between the more and more onesidedly empirically orientated special sciences and the spectrum of philosophical opinions. This contradiction between the empiric-scientistic and the realistic-philosophical position was manifested as early as at the rise of analytical philosophy, examplified in the writings of its founders Russell and More and flew into the further dealing with language. A new quality in the critical conception of language was created by Wittgenstein. After him the analytical philosophy developed from logical criticism of philosophical cognition to its linguistic criticism. Linguistic philosophy eliminated, though, the contradictions between the basis and the mode of analysis, but it led to a new contradiction — that between philosophical ambitions and non-philosophical content and methods.
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