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Svetonázorovo-filozófické základy súčasnej vzdelávacej po­litiky SPD

Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 427-442.
Typ článku: State - Z filozofie Nemeckej demokratickej republiky
The aims of SPD and its educational policy correspond to the class function and the total strategy of the presidium of the party, i. e. to the stabilization of the state-monopoly system in the conditions of the sharpening crisis of capitalism. The foremost aim of the educational reform is to fulfill the demands of monopolies and their unions to educate the rising generation, who are to secure productivity and efficiency. But at the same time the leadership of SPD is to face the influence of socialist countries and first of all the neighbouring GDR. In spreading the illusion of ’’the possible social advancement of all“ they can see a possibility of improving the manipulation of broad social strata. There are two moments characteristic of the educational conception of SPD: an adjustment of the ideas of the theory of postindustrial society and an elaboration of argumentation of ’’ethical socialism“. The author points out the falsehood of the basic values of Godesberg Programme, which are understood as a priori, ahistorical and abstract categories. The ethical argumentation of SPD have little cognitive value and are manifested as a refined form of anticommunism. Recently, they have been complemented by a new orientation referring to the critical rationalism of Popper’s and Albert’s type.
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