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Náčrt kritiky Kierkegaardovho konceptu lásky v diele M. Bubera, T. W. Adorna a K. E. Løgstrupa

Filozofia, 58 (2003), 7, 484-493.
Typ článku: State

Kierkegaard developed his concept of love in his pseudonym works as well as in works published under his own name. The works, in which love has been made a more explicit subject (as in Works of Love), were incessantly criticized. The criticism of M. Buber, T. W. Adorno and K E. Løgstrup focused on the social dimension of Kierkegaard s concept of love and on the phenomenon of the absence of the neighbour. They criticize Kierkegaard´s interpretation of Christian love, which they consider individualistic and acosmic. In the same terms they criticize his concept of unboundness and inwardness. The paper examines the basic motives of this critique and sets forth several relevant counterarguments.

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