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Čo majú termonukleárne bomby spoločné s interkultúrnou hermeneutikou alebo o prevahe Dickensa nad Heideggerom

Filozofia, 67 (2012), 6, 450-459.
Typ článku: State

The paper discusses Richard Rorty’s views on intercultural hermeneutics as presented in his essay “Heidegger, Kundera, and Dickens” and in his correspondence with the Indian philosopher Anindita Niyogi Balslev. The focus is primarily on Rorty’s presumption that instead of providing an “authentic” picture of another culture, the goal of intercultural studies or hermeneutics should be to look if there is anything “of use” in a given culture what is not offered by ours.

Kľúčové slová

Richard Rorty, Intercultural hermeneutics, Martin Heidegger, Charles Dickens, Ethnocentrism

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