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Volume 40 (1985), 2


(Original title: Filozofia — aktívna zložka rozvoja duchovnej kultúry socialistickej spoločnosti (k 40. výročiu oslobodenia ČSR))
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 121-128.
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Papers - The History of Marxism In Slovakia

(Original title: Marxizmus-leninizmus v činnosti KSS v období ilegality)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 129-143.

The author concentrates upon the study of the development of Marxist-Leninist philosophy in Slovakia in the years 1938—1944. She gives an outline of the theoretical elaboration of problems of Marxist philosophy, respectively of phylosophic interpretation of important political-ideologic questions of the period in question, basing on the analysis of historical… Read more

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(Original title: K problematike prenikania marxizmu na Slovensko začiatkom nášho storočia)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 144-152.

The pioneers of socialism in Slovakia, especially E. Borek, approached in principle correctly to the understanding of gnoseologic and psychologic causes of religion, they were, however, not able to find the link between the social and gnoseologic cause of religion and their mutual, inseparable connection. Their criticism of religion was, therefore, not scientific… Read more

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Papers - „Contradiction“ in the Categorial System of Materialist Dialectics

(Original title: Dialektické protirečenie a jeho reflexia v pojmoch)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 153-160.

In the paper two conceptions of the category „dialectical contradition“ are characterized. The conception of contradiction in various relations and the conception of contradiction in one and the same relation. The author inclines to the conception of contradiction in one and the same relation and demonstrates the impact of this conception upon the understanding of… Read more

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(Original title: Dialektické protirečenie a pojem krajnosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 161-171.

In the paper the basic ways of overcoming Hegel’s conception of dialectical contradiction in the works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism are characterized: the deepening of the concept of the substantial identity, the differentiation of the absolute and relative extremes, of formal and real contradiction, the explanation of the origin of the antinomies and ways… Read more

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(Original title: K sporom o dialektické protirečenie)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 172-181.

In the paper the necessity of the study and development of dialectical contradiction in the unity if its practical and theoretical progression is underlined. Controversies about dialectical contradiction are interpreted here as an expression of ideological struggle in the sphere of world outlook and general methodology. The criterion of the unity of the system of… Read more

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(Original title: Teleológia a protirečenie v Hegelovej filozofii)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 182-188.

The key-problem in the paper is the position of dialectics and. the role of contradiction in the whole of Hegel’s philosophy. One of the sources of Hegel’s thinking lies in the context of the classical rationalism. Hegel follows the rationalist conception of the notion “the infinite“ and he develops it on the basis of teleology and thus the dialectics of… Read more

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(Original title: Význam dialektického protirečenia v súčasnej biológii)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 189-199.

It is the aim of the paper to show by means of the analysis of the style of thinking in modern biology how the principle of dialectical contradiction is integrated innerly in contemporary biological knowledge and thinking and what significance it acquires for its further development. It becomes clear that changes in logical-methodological foundations tending… Read more

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(Original title: Dialektické protirečenie v umeleckej reprodukcii skutočnosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 200-207.

The author sets up questions of the contradictioinary character of the artistic representation of reality, the attention being focused upon ways how contradiction demonstrates in the construction of the artistic work as a whole and in the creation of its units — the artistic images. Her analyses are based on the character of fiction, though they have universal… Read more

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(Original title: Výrobné sily ako sociálno-filozofická kategória)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 208-217.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Šesťdesiatročné jubileum DAVu)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 218-220.
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(Original title: Kauzalita a súčasné vedy)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 220-222.
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(Original title: Interdisciplinárny seminár o kritike súčasných buržoáznych metodologických koncepcií)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 222-229.
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(Original title: K aspektom tvorivosti vo vedeckom poznaní)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 230-233.
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(Original title: Tvorivosť a sociálne poznanie)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 233-237.
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(Original title: O probléme konečna a nekonečna)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 237-240.
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(Original title: Pre a proti Piagetovej koncepcii)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 241-244.
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(Original title: Filozofický odkaz národov Východu a súčasnosť)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 2, 244-246.
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