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Volume 59 (2004), 2


(Original title: O dvojakej prirodzenosti človeka)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 2, 100-109.

The paper gives a comparison of Durkheim´s sociogenetic approach, according to which the specific character of human knowledge consists in its being commonly created, culturally transmitted and transgeneratively communicated, with the biological approach, which considers the culture to be a continuation of biological nature. As an example the author uses the… Read more

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(Original title: Téma šťastia v morálnej filozofii)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 2, 110-123.

The paper outlines Aristotelian and Aquinian eudaimonistic conception of happiness and its criticism in modern ethics in the context of the rehabilitation of this concept in contemporary moral philosophy. On the background of the modern discussion it presents the objectivist theory of happiness in the frame of Neoaristotelian ethics of virtues. In its description… Read more

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(Original title: Priestor kontextu v proprírodnej etickej reflexii)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 2, 124-136.

Ecological ethics deals with intricate issues following from a massive problembased corpus. The corpus exceeds the limits of ethical solutions. The only viable and productive (even though 'uncomfortable') way of approaching the problems encountered by ecological ethics appears to be a broad intradisciplinary, interdisciplinary and argument-based context as a… Read more

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(Original title: Východ - Západ: základné tendencie svetovej filozofie)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 2, 75-80.

Today, unfortunately, we can not speak about the presence of one entire world philosophy. It is connected with the fact that the history of world philosophy is investigated from the position of eurocentrism, and what we consider as world philosophy actually is the West-European philosophy. In world philosophy, Eastern philosophy is represented only by three blocks… Read more

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(Original title: Význam klasických čínskych ontologických koncepcií v globálnom svetovom filozofickom kontexte)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 2, 81-87.

The purpose of this paper is to discover an important contribution of classical Chinese ontological conceptions for the future World philosophy and for the modern human Weltanschauung in the process of its globalization. Through a brief mosaic of a development of mutual Euro-Chinese acquaintances, from the Middle Age to the present, the paper tries to present that… Read more

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(Original title: O komplementarite vznikania-a-zanikania s procesom trvalého bytia z hľadiska jin-jangových metafyzických predstáv Knihy premien)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 2, 88-99.

The concepts of ’being’ and ’becoming-extincting’ have been considered as two most basic metaphisical categories in philosophy that are intended to capture two fundamental characters or aspects of the world: the term ’being’ is intended to denote the stable, regular, definite, unchanging aspect or layer of existing things, while the term ’becoming-extincting’ is… Read more

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