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Posthuman Feminism’s Diagnostics and Horizons for International Law: Review Essay on Emily Jones’ Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives

(Original title: Posthuman Feminism’s Diagnostics and Horizons for International Law: Review Essay on Emily Jones’ Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 6, 665 - 676.
Type of work: Review Studies
Publication language: English
This review essay critically examines Emily Jones’ Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives, which develops “posthuman feminism” to diagnose the exclusionary humanism and anthropocentrism of international law. It unpacks key elements of Jones’ approach, her critique of international law’s foundations, and her attempt to move “beyond liberal legalism.” While tensions arise between Jones’ theoretical framework and reform proposals, her insistent bridging of theory and practice demonstrates posthuman feminism’s potential for inspiring creative re-imaginings of legal praxis.

posthuman feminism, legal ontology, Anthropocentrism, critical postmodern theories, Feminist philosophy

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