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Publication Details

Literary Relatedness in the Form of the Women’s (Re)Writing: Madam de Tencin as an Example of a Woman Novelist of the 18th century

(Original title: Les parentés littéraires à l’épreuve d’une (ré)écriture féminine : exemple d’une femme romancière au XVIIIe siècle, Madame de Tencin)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Supplementary Issue 2: L’Individu et la famille, 89-102.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: French

The paper gives an analysis of two novels of Madame de Tencin, Mémoires du comte de Comminge and Les Malheurs de l’Amour, from an intertextual perspective bringing out the novelist’s literary inspirations. The novelist perceives herself as one of Madame de Lafayette’s “heirs”, therefore we point out to the apparent kinships of her novels with those of two contemporary man authors: Prévost and Marivaux. The paper’s focus is thus on the “woman vision” faced with “man inspiration”, notably in regard to the narration, circumstances, and characters.


Feminity versus masculinity, Intertextuality, Love versus virtue, Women’s writing