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Volume 45 (1990), 1
Otázky sociálnej filozofie v kontexte prestavby


(Original title: Sociálno-humánna podstata prestavby a úlohy filozofie)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 3-17.

In the paper the author turns his attention to humane substance and humane orientation of Reconstruction and to the task of philosophy in solving of these problems.

In the first part of the essay concerning human dimension of reconstruction the autor shows the need and „desire“ to reconstruct philosophy, which is objectively determined. In the second part… Read more

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(Original title: Vzťah prestaby k ideovému dedičstvu klasikov marxizmu-leninizmu)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 18-32.

In the paper substantial difference is made between Lenin's conception of socialism and its deformations made by Stalin in economical, social, political and spiritual sphere, in the sphere of management and in relationship of socialism to human civilization. The author holds that the only way out is the revolutionary renewal of socialism, not the re-installation… Read more

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(Original title: Sociálnofilozofické pohľady na spoločenskú reformu)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 33-47.

In the paper social-political questions of ways and forms of new non-capitalist social relationships are discussed. The author points to the fact that simple liquidation of capitalist relationships leads to social regression. He holds that progress can he achieved by positive overcoming of existing relationships at one with the real development and not by the… Read more

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(Original title: Občianska spoločnosť v podmienkach so­cializmu)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 48-58.

Conceptual differentiation of civil society {biirgerliche Gesellschaft) versus the state has had a long history. Originally it rose as the means of analysis of development dynamics of capitalist society. Autonomization of structures of civil society, its relative independence upon the state is, however, a general achievement of social development. The authors… Read more

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(Original title: Vedecký obraz sveta ako predmet filozofickej reflexie)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 59-71.

The topical character of the analysis of the scientific worldview (SWV) is determined by various circumstances, especially by changes in the subject of contemporary science, by changes concerning its place and functions. In the paper two different methodological orientations in the interpretation of the SWV are outlined. They follow from the vertical localization… Read more

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(Original title: O prekladaní diel klasikov marxizmu-leninizmu do slovenčiny)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 72-80.
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(Original title: Problémy kultúry práce v prestavbe spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 81-87.
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(Original title: Proces prestavby a premeny subjektívneho faktora)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 88-95.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Seminár o biotechnológiách)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 97-98.
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(Original title: Prednášky a diskusie SFS SAV v Bratislave roku 1989)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 98.
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(Original title: Významná monografia o kategórii štruktúry)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 99-102.
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(Original title: O dialektickej povahe poznania)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 102-105.
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(Original title: Sociálne poznanie a svet každodennosti)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 106-108.
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(Original title: Svet a človek)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 1, 108-112.
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