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Volume 77 (2022), 6

Original Articles

(Original title: K problému dôvery)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 6, 395 - 407.

In recent years, the topic of the “crisis of trust” has become increasingly established in public discourse at global and national levels. The study aims to propose holistic understanding of the phenomenon of trust: what is its ontological status, what are its essential elements that constitute it. The authors argue with contemporary philosophers who deal with the… Read more

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(Original title: Platónské vlastnosti prvků v tzv. figura solida k Isidorovu De natura rerum XI, 1)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 6, 408 - 426.

Isidore of Seville in On the Nature of Things XI, 1 presents the threefold nature of the four elements: fire is acute, subtle and mobile; air is subtle, mobile and obtuse; water is mobile, obtuse and corpulent; earth is obtuse, corpulent and immobile. This (Neo-)Platonic teaching on elements is based on Plato’s dialogue Timaeus. Isidore’s On the Nature of Things… Read more

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(Original title: Political Order, Emergency Powers and Law in Machiavelli and Schmitt)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 6, 427 - 441.

This article critically examines Machiavelli’s and Schmitt’s views on emergencies. Both philosophers are known for their emphasis on the unpredictable nature of politics, which cannot be fully captured by legal norms. Thus, they both state that every political order requires an extraordinary figure who could act beyond laws during emergencies. For Machiavelli,… Read more

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(Original title: Lidová psychologie v současné neurovědě: diskuse o kognitivních ontologiích)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 6, 442 - 455.

Folk psychology and its status in the scientific study of mind was a major topic in the philosophy of mind in the 1980s and 90s. However, it has seen a renewal of interests in recent years in the debate on cognitive ontologies in cognitive neuroscience. The goal of the article is to introduce the cognitive ontologies debate and examine how it relates to the older… Read more

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(Original title: Duše jako směs jsoucnosti, totožnosti a různosti v Platónově dialogu Tímaios (TIM. 35a1-b3))
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 6, 456 - 470.

The main aim of this study is to thoroughly analyze and explain the meaning of a crucial passage 35a1-b3 from Plato’s Timaeus. At first, two rival readings of the text are presented and critically examined. Since the first one, championed for example by Alfred Taylor, meets with some serious difficulties, the other one, which is able to evade them, is… Read more

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