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Kritika transhumanistickej kritiky Friedricha Nietzscheho

Filozofia, 65 (2010), 6, 552-563.
Typ článku: State

The paper examines the relationship between the philosophy of F. Nietzsche and transhumanist philosophy. Transhumanism is the branch of thought arguing in favor of human transformation (posthuman). Thus, it might seem, that it is derived from the classical idea of the transformation of the man, its goal being an overman (der Übermensch) found in Nietzschean philosophy. However, transhumanism points to five problems in Nietzsche’s project. It rejects Nietzschean antiscientific, antiprogressive, antimoral and antisocial ideas as well as his destructive way of creating of the overman. The paper argues that the four objections against Nietzsche presented by transhumanists are ill-founded, while the last one is valid.

Kľúčové slová

Transhumanism, Posthuman, F. Nietzsche, Overman

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