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K otázke spoločenského a myšlienkového pokroku

Filozofia, 35 (1980), 6, 575-600.
Typ článku: State
In this extensive paper the author deals with problems of social and ideologic progress. A.ter an introductory part and a short retrospective he investigates thoroughly into the problem of criteria of social and ideologic progress. He refuses, hereby, a fuzzy concept of “change“, development in general and he enumerates criteria of social and ideologic progress. In the historical-social process the social and theoretical “reality“ penetrate each other dialectically. In the objective process — in alternating formations, systems more and more active, conscious, programmatic activity of classes and masses asserts itself. The author .also deals in detail with problems of social and ideologic situation under socialism. Having analysed ideologic progress he further investigates the role of criticism and self-criticism as important factors of social and ideologic progress, all in connection with the “general“ model of progress.
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