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Filozofia v medzivojnovom období

Filozofia, 37 (1982), 2, 158-168.
Typ článku: State - Metodolické problémy výskumu dejín filozofie na Slovensku
The philosophic thought in Slovakia in the period between the two world wars may be divided into three main streams: 1. the Marxist thought, 2. the thought of the positivist-realistic orientation, 3. the speculative-theological thought. The author holds that the research must concentrate especially on the first two streams as it was in these directions that the main line of the process of development in the sphere of philosophic thought ran. The critical confrontation of the positivist thought and the Marxist front in Slovakia, which was constituting itself, represents the concrete-historical form of the struggle between the dialectical and non-dialectical thinking. Special attention must be paid to the analysis of problems of the influence and response of Czech science, thought and especially of Czech philosophy in Slovac cultural life. In studying the philosophic thought in Slovakia it is of relevance to apply consequentially the concrete historical approach. It is necessary to take account of the speciifity of the very development of the philosophic thought in Slovakia and of its broader sooial-political and historical relations and above all of broader cultural context and complex changes of the development iin this sphere.
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