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Technika, stavění a bydlení u Martina Heideggera a José Ortegy y Gasseta

Filozofia, 72 (2017), 5, 333-346.
Typ článku: State

The article offers a comparison of two entirely contrapositive conceptions of technology: those of Martin Heidegger and José Ortega y Gasset. While Heidegger conceives of technology as one of the effects of metaphysical, i.e. failing thinking of being and world, Ortega y Gasset sees the technology as a means which enables the person to set himself/herself free from his/her animal nature and create a space appropriate for actual human needs. Resulting from these opposite stands are the opposite views on the relationship between "dwelling"and "building". According to Heidegger, we first have to master the art of dwelling; only then we can start building. According to Ortega y Gasset, we first need the technological building dispositions; the need to dwell appears afterwards. However, it is the concept of architecture which shows the limits in both thinkers. A more balanced attitude is represented by Karsten Harries in his book The Ethical Function of Architecture. Namely, it takes into account the free space as a place for encounters with other people. Thus the conception of dwelling, building and technology in general takes on a social dimension, which is apparently missing in Heidegger.

Kľúčové slová

Architecture, Building, Existence, Heidegger, Metaphysics, Ortega y Gasset, Technology

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