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O realistických návrhoch v súčasnej filozofii histórie

Filozofia, 80 (2025), 1, 20 - 34.
Typ článku: State
In recent years, several realist interpretations of historical work have been presented within the philosophy of history. In this paper, I briefly examine three of them, namely I discuss the views of T. E. Førland, B. Mitrović and A. Timmins. I critically analyze their claims and try to identify what unites them. I focus mainly on the concept of fact and, in general, on the building blocks of their realism. In conclusion, I show that although these are new realist accounts, which in their own way also reflect on an anti-realist interpretation of history, they can still be characterized by an effort to find solid foundations for history.
Kľúčové slová

Philosophy of history, Realism, Facts, foundationalism, Førland, Mitrović, Timmins

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