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On the Definition of Autonomous Weapon Systems

(Original title: O definícii autonómnych zbraňových systémov)
Filozofia, 79 (2024), 6, 621 - 636.
Type of work: Original Articles
Publication language: Slovak
This article focuses on the ongoing debate on the definition of autonomous weapon systems. This debate is introduced using two approaches to the definition of autonomy: (1) autonomy as the human – machine relation, and (2) autonomy as the complexity of a machine’s decision-making capabilities. The aim of the text is to critically review the current state of the debate and analyze the key issues related to each approach to defining autonomous weapons. I argue that in the current discourse, neither of these approaches offer definitions that could become the basis for regulating autonomous weapon systems.

autonomous weapon system, human-machine relation, sophistication of the machine, autonomous, automated, automatic, Artificial intelligence

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