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Volume 53 (1998), 1


(Original title: Od Philosophica slovaca po Filozofiu)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 1-14.

The journal Filozofia was grounded in 1946 as a forum of a group of philosophers which were on their transition from neopositivism to marxist-leninist philosophy. In the last five decades not only its titel had changed several times (Philosophica slovaca, Filozofický zborník SAVU, Filozofický časopis FÚ SAV, Slovenský filozofický časopis. Otázky marxistickej… Read more

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(Original title: Súvislosti virtuálneho života a perpetualógie)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 15-26.

The conditions of selfpreservation had been examined especially in inanimate nature. In animate nature one had to wait for the results of its future evolution. The development of computational technology and, first of all, the progress made in software opened new ways for experimentations. The author is searching for unifying analogies and metaphors as the basis… Read more

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(Original title: Ekonómia ako filozofický problém)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 27-39.

Why is economics becoming a philosophical problem and which aspects of economics should be considered from the philosophical perspective? The paper attempts at answ er to this key question by identifying the internal conditions of the efficiency of modem economics as w ell as its external background. It focuses on those claims set on economics, which take into… Read more

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(Original title: Wittgensteinov behaviorizmus a kontextualizmus)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 40-46.

As Anthony Kenny argued in his locus classicus Homunculus Fallacy that draws upon Wittgenstein's analysis of criteria for ascription of psychological predicates, an introduction of non-agents (like, for example. Descartes' pineal gland or its up-dated version - neural networks) in order to causally explain psychological phenomena conceals and… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Zabudnutý M. Pradines)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 47-53.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Kríza filozofie - filozofia krízy (prvé výročné stretnutie Slovenského filozofického združenia))
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 54-55.
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(Original title: Feminizmus a veda (Evelyn Fox Kellerová and Helen E. Longinová))
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 56-58.
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(Original title: Hranice interpretácie (U. Eco, R. Rorty, J. Culler, Ch. Brookeová - Roseová))
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 58-60.
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(Original title: Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997). Čo znamená sloboda)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 1, 61-63.
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