Volume 40 (1985), 5
(Original title: Straníckosť filozofie — základný a trvalý predpoklad jej revolučnej funkcie)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 529-534.File to download: PDF
Papers - Criticism of Bourgeois Philosophy of the XXth Century
(Original title: Gonsethova „otvorená filozofia“ ako variant scientizmu 20. storočia)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 535-545.Abstract
In the paper it is argued that Gonseth’s „open philosophy“ represents one of the variants of the twentieth century scientism, however, it differs from positivism. It contains outstanding dialectical characteristics, it refuses any fixed invariable first starting point of science and philosophy (be it „protocol sentences“ or „first principles“). It represents a… Read more
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(Original title: „Kríza vied“ a jej interpretácie vo filozofických koncepciách vedy)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 546-552.Abstract
In the paper the author investigates the concept „crisis of sciences“ and indentifies its four aspects: methodological, epistemological, worldview and practical-social ones.
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(Original title: Dve úskalia fenomenologickej filozofie vedy)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 553-560.Abstract
Phenomenology represents a factor that determines the style of contemporary philosophic reflection of science in the West. The attention of phenomenologists is shifted ever more from the traditional domain of social and psychological sciences to natural sciences, especially physics. The discovering of fundamentals of science and its understanding within the framework… Read more
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(Original title: Problém ireverzibility v diele I. Prigogina a I. Stengersovej Nová aliancia)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 561-569.Abstract
In the book „New Alliance“ Prigogine and Stengers describe the development of modern science in order to conceive irreversible time and simultaneously they come near to philosophic doctrines that are based on the primacy of living experience. In the analysis it is shown that in the background two conceptions of irreversibility are confused and only one of them points… Read more
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(Original title: Claude Lévi-Strauss — od logiky k fyziológii)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 570-582.Abstract
In the paper the author analyzes the contemporary state of research in the sphere of mythologies and the constitution of Marxist interpretation of mythology in the process of superseding of psychologism and vulgar sociologism in interpreting myths. It is from this aspect that he evaluates the contribution of C. Lévi-Strauss’s investigations and he separates them from… Read more
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(Original title: K filozofickým zdrojom „anarchického“ chápania vedy)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 583-591.Abstract
Contemporary bourgeois thinking is characterized by the loss of capacity to outline an integrative worldview and conceive the past, the presence and the future in their regular connection and necessity. Pluralism, relativism and indeterminism dominate the cultural scene nowadays. In contemporary bourgeois science the dynamics of the achieving of knowledge… Read more
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(Original title: Sociálna racionalita ako predmet marxistického skúmania v kontexte súčasného ideologického boja)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 592-606.Abstract
In opposition to Marxism, which reveals class contradictions between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in the semblance of rationality of capitalist relations as their perverted form, bourgeois social science finds in the abstract principle of rationality the very substance of capitalism. While historical materialism unveils mechanisms of the rise of irrationality… Read more
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(Original title: K otázce transcendentalismu ve Wittgensteinově filozofii)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 607-622.Abstract
The author argues against the opinion that the early philosophy of Wittgenstein represents transcendental philosophy. He analyzes Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and his Notebooks 1914 to 1916 and concludes: 1. the early philosophy of Wittgenstein is not transcendental as it aims programmatically at the exclusion of subjectivity from philosophy; 2. it is not transcendental… Read more
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Papers - History of Philosophic Thought in Slovakia
(Original title: Generácia Všeslávie)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 623-636.Abstract
A new light on the standing, the mission and importance of the generation of thinkers of the first half of the XIXth century (P. J. Šafárik, J. Kollár), who first proclaimed the idea of „Czechoslavia", makes it possible to find its organic place in the .evolution of Slavic conception, Panslavia, in Slovak cultural context and from the view-point of the development of… Read more
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(Original title: „Nová škola“ a pokus o spojenie národného pohybu s naším robotníckym hnutím v 19. storočí)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 637-644.Abstract
The Slovak and Czech Workers’ Association in Budapest did not pretend to solve principal problems of the class struggle and confined itself to, more or less, cooperative activities and non-political cultural instruction. As far as the development of the Slovak working Movement in Hungary of the XIXth ct. is concerned, the association helped as an organizational basis… Read more
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(Original title: K otázke hybridizácie metód pri interdisciplinárnom výskume spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 645-651.File to download: PDF
Scientific Life
(Original title: Interdisciplinárne sympózium filozofov a astronómov)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 652-653.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Neomarxizmus - ideológia súčasného oportunizmu)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 654-656.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Kritická analýza súčasnej buržoáznej filozofie)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 656-659.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Konštruktívnosť a relativizmus antického skepticizmu)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 5, 659-663.File to download: PDF