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Filozofovanie na Slovensku: Reflexie a súvislosti (K problematike receptívnosti filozofického myslenia na Slovensku)

Filozofia, 64 (2009), 6, 552-559.
Typ článku: State

The paper offers an examination of the patterns of philosophizing in Slovakia. In the author’s view, its predominating feature is its receptivity, i.e. accepting the particular streams and conceptions of European philosophy. However, not all forms of receptivity are to be judged as mere imitativeness or plagiarism. In spite of its receptiveness the philosophizing in Slovakia very often included creative reinterpretations, modifications and applications.

Kľúčové slová

Philosophy in Slovakia, Central themes of the philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries, Epigonousness vs. creativity and reinterpretation

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