Ročník 67 (2012), 9
It is sometimes claimed that the semantic (i.e., truthconditional) content of an utterance consists of the semantic contents of its constituting expressions and their mode of composition, i.e., all constituents of the semantic content correspond to some linguistic item in the sentence uttered or other. This is claimed in particular by the proponents of the… Čítať ďalej
The author argues that the distinction between semantic and pragmatic aspects of the language in the statutory instruments is critical to the theory of juristic interpretation. He tries to define the nature of the legal norm, expressed or communicated by the lawgiver by enacting the particular law. Two sorts of pragmatic processes as articu lated by M. Zouhar in… Čítať ďalej
The aim of the paper is to examine Thomas Pogge’s interpretation of extreme poverty as a failure of negative duties of global justice. Pogge argues that we as citizens of affluent societies have a duty of justice to eradicate extreme poverty because we are harming the global poor through our imposition of unjust global order. The paper gives an analysis of the… Čítať ďalej
Úvahy - eseje
The paper deals with J. Habermas’ communication theory which is a synthesis of the Anglo-Saxon linguistic philosophy (Austin, Searle, Grice) and the continental philosophical tradition (Weber, Kohlberg, Apel). The stress is put on the re-articulation of Weberian motifs (rationality, rationalization) and the so called validity claim of the intelligibility of speech… Čítať ďalej