Volume 37 (1982), 1
State - Problémy metodológie a teórie poznania
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 1, 10-28.
The author elucidates specialities of the social cognition, especially in comparison with natural sciences. In contrast to the model of modern scientific knowledge which supposed a „pure“ object and a „pure“ subject and applied only objectivist, humanely non-commited approach to the object, the author of the paper makes Marx’s conception his starting point, according… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 37 (1982), 1, 29-36.
The category of the system as a methodological paradigm makes the basis of the productive methodological movement in contemporary science which has been called systems thinking or systems research. The category „system“ concretizes historically, it develops the category of the whole and links up with the dialectical line of the development of scientific and… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 37 (1982), 1, 37-46.
It was phenomenology and logical positivism among the new philosophic movements that paid great attention to problems of empirical knowledge. The author shows some concrete methodological problems such as the forming of concepts, the nature and function of empirical generalizations, the questions of scientific explanation, verification of scientific theories and the… Čítať ďalej
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