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Volume 60 (2005), 8


Filozofia, 60 (2005), 8, 551-572.

During the last decades the special literature has paid relatively much attention to the problematic of speech acts. However, in Slovakia it still remains underdeve-loped. Therefore the author decided to examine it from the points of view of its establishment, gradual development and interactional communication. The paper offers a survey of all philosophical-… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 60 (2005), 8, 573-595.

The question of Theodicy demands a reasonable justification of the nature, structures and goals of evil and suffering in the world. The paper attempts to explain the reasons for its presence in our lives and seeks to unveil its principles. If God is all knowing, almighty and also merciful, we must face the problem of the presence of evil and suffering in this… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 60 (2005), 8, 596-612.

The article shows, that the hermeneutical conceptions of H.-G. Gadamer, C. G. Jung and J. Derrida share the dialectic, imaginative and projecting conception of human experience. In this context Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics and Jung’s hermeneutically oriented analytical psychology emphasize the great importance of tradition, as well as of the… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 60 (2005), 8, 613-623.

In the author’s view the humanity has its place in the ethics of social consequences (which is a form of non-utilitarian consequentialism): its implementation leads directly to positive social consequences, i.e. the main evaluation criteria in this conception. However, in applying the principle of humanity one has to see humanity as the protection of sustainable… Čítať ďalej

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