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O špecifičnosti umeleckého zovšeobecnenia skutočnosti

Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 221-242.
Typ článku: Články
The process of the artistic abstraction of the reality differs from the artistic generalization. It is not the notion but the idea which stands in the background of an artistic image. From the gnoseological characteristic of the conception results the possibility to perform such a generalization of the reality which would have the gnoseologic value of an abstract notion while preserving the sensual perception. The process of generalizing the reality is in this phase influenced by the man’s concrete sensual experience as well as by the abstract comprehension of the lawfulness of reality. The possibility of a specific way of an artistic generalization is given by the very fact of representation which means a certain (purposeful) selection and a classification (appreciation) of personal experiences. The process of generalizing the reality there appears as a result and not as a conscious tendency. There is no need for the artist to be conscious of the real extent and effect (the social background) of the thing he reveals. The category of the typical (the classification) of the gnoseologic value of the artistic image is objective. It goes on quite independent of the artist in the process of the circulation of the work among society. Such a conception of the artistic generalization helps us to explain many complex phenomena in the history of culture of mankind (the conflict between the world conception and the artistic method). The art as a particular form of sociologie observation makes use of those emotions and connexions which are on the threshold of the human imaginative faculty. (They are not fixed by any conception.) By the special connection of the particular and the general as well as by the possibility of the gnoseological use of specific emotional reactions the limits between science and art are drawn. By a special way of generalization that passes on from the object of perception to a specific form and a specific way of verification of the artistic and scientific observation.
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