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„Druhé medzi Druhými“ ako stála výzva interkultúrnemu dialógu. Inšpirácia dielom Simone de Beauvoir v kontexte feministických epistemológií

Filozofia, 63 (2008), 6, 499-508.
Typ článku: Výročia

Drawing from the analyses of Simone de Beauvoir’s works by current American and Slovak authors the article tries to show the afinity between the philosophical content of Simone de Beauvoir’s writings and feminist epistemologies. After reviewing the contiguity and topics shared by S. de Beauvoir’s and feminist epistemologies, the author unrolls the challenge of postcolonial critiques emphasizing the necessity of handling the problem of cross-cultural dialogue. In the context of a wider question of how to act in the communication with the Other it is undoubtedly important to analyze the conception of the subject of cognition as well as the methodologies of the feminist research. In conclusion the article tries to explore, how S. de Beauvoir’s philosophical and ethical engagements with the Other are used in contemporary analyses, enriching the epistemological researches as such.

Kľúčové slová

Feminist epistemology, Standpoint theory, Postcolonial feminism, Cross-cultural dialogue, Subject of cognition

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