Ročník 63 (2008), 9
More often than not, Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche are considered to be antagonists. For K. Marx the analysis of the material conditions of life provides the key to the interpretation of human history. F. Nietzsche sees the analysis of values as the key to the understanding of the development of societal forms. Marx defends egalitarianism; Nietzsche is an… Čítať ďalej
In the second part of his study the author analyzes Kierkegaard´s thesis of the suspension of ethics on three levels: firstly, in its relation to Kant, who insists on the universal self-understanding of every individual; secondly, in its relation to the post-metaphysical interpretation of Kant, in which ethics is a matter of inter-subjective relations; and thirdly… Čítať ďalej
Due to remarkable transformations of the social reality, the concept of justice has been rediscovered in political discussions at the beginning of the 21st century. One of the objectives of the paper is to present Miller’s model of a fair distribution as articulated in his book Principles of Social Justice (1999). In this model the communitarian… Čítať ďalej
On the background of several examples of the demolishing of historical sites in Bratislava the article deals with the structure of human existence as habitation. It examines various kinds of habitation as well as its constitutive relationships. The decrescent public mode of human habitation calls for attention to be paid to pathological changes in public sector… Čítať ďalej
Z vedeckého života
Úvahy - eseje
Inspirations for the reflections have been the works of art. They concern the body as the context of human communication, as well as the body as a symbol of the covertness of being.
The contribution deals with L. Bitó’s concept of euthelia, which was suggested by him as a counterpart to euthanasia. Euthelia, contrary to euthanasia, puts stress on good, meaningful end of life, free of death fear and anxiety. The originality of Bitó’s approach is in his trying to see the reflections on good death in the… Čítať ďalej
Diskusie - polemiky
Pohľad za hranice
In this I will undertake the attempt to outline Wittgenstein’s account of subjectivity by focusing on the central notion of expression, emerging from the rejection of the false alternative between Cartesianism and Behaviorism. Although allowing us to rethink the relationships between inner and outer and self and other, the notion of expression does not seem to… Čítať ďalej